- Base System: Basic Electrical Machines (85-MT2)
- Computer (see Computer Requirements)
- Electricity: 208V/60Hz/3ph
- Learning System Available with Regular Banana Leads (85-MT2E) or Sheathed Banana Leads (85-MT2ESL)

Amatrol’s Electric Motor Troubleshooting Learning System (85-MT2E), used in conjunction with the required Basic Electrical Machines Learning System (85-MT2), covers AC and DC motors troubleshooting and testing using a multimeter and a megger meter. The skills and knowledge covered by this system will prove invaluable for industrial maintenance technicians or anyone working in a field that uses AC and/or DC motors. This system covers major topics like AC and DC motor failures, common methods of diagnosing these failures by using a multimeter and megger meter, and troubleshooting these failures.
The 85-MT2E includes a motor connection box to practice hands-on skills, such as troubleshooting faults in a DC motor and AC single-phase and three-phase motors, evaluating DC electric motor commutator and brush health, and using a multimeter to test an AC motor start/run capacitor. Amatrol’s industrial training systems feature real-world, industry-grade components for durability that will stand up to frequent use and to allow learners to gain real-world competencies.