Machining is a vital industrial field that involves using lathes, milling machines, and drill presses to cut a piece of material into a specific shape or size to produce various items. Amatrol’s Machining training program brings a highly focused, streamlined set of skills to this program area. Within this program, Amatrol focuses heavily on CNC machine operation. Learners will study important skills such as operating the CNC machine to set-up of tooling and fixtures to quality inspection. This program aligns with several Amatrol programs including CNC Machine Operator, Industrial Maintenance, and Advanced Manufacturing.
CNC Machine Tools Learning System – Denford Micromill: teaches basic safety and operation of the CNC mill as well as programming fundamentals such as: linear interpolation, startup and shutdown blocks, tooling selection, locating zero, absolute and incremental positioning and circular interpolation. This system also covers essential CNC skills like calculating the speeds and feeds for CNC operations, how canned cycles and subprograms are used to simplify CNC programs, and how to use cutter compensation. This learning system can be purchased with the Micromill included (95-CNC1D) or the customer can supply their own Micromill (95-CNC1DC)

CNC Machine Operator Program – Fanuc Based Interface (950-CNCOP1): brings a highly focused, streamlined set of skills to CNC Machine Operator training.
CNC Machine Operator Program – Haas Based Interface (95-CNCOP2): covers CNC machine operation with a HAAS interface. Major topic areas include basic measurement, print reading, orientation tolerances, form tolerances, drill operation, and much more!
CNC Machine Operator Program Instructor Training (95-TRAIN): as a recommended precursor to Amatrol’s CNC Machine Operator programs, this course provides on-site training for instructors and includes course tuition at Amatrol.
Machine Tools 1 Learning System (95-MP-1): covers band saw operation, drill press introduction and operations, manufacturing hand tools introduction, manual milling machine introduction, milling processes, manual lathe introduction, turning operations, and lathe operations.

In addition to learning systems geared toward post-secondary and industrial customers, Amatrol also offers systems specifically designed for high schools. One of the biggest challenges facing the workforce today is a skilled worker shortage. Because of this, Amatrol is dedicated to providing high schools with learning solutions that will cover applicable STEM knowledge and advanced manufacturing topics and skills. High School learning systems within the machining area include:
CNC Machines 1 Learning System – Denford Micromill (96-CNC1)
CNC Machines 2 Learning System – Denford Micromill (96-CNC2)
CNC Machines 3 Learning System – Denford Microturn (96-CNC3)
Machine Tools 1 Learning System (96-MP1)