- Base System: Electric Motor Control (85-MT5)
- Computer (see Computer Requirements)
- See base system utility requirements
- Learning System Available with Regular Banana Leads (85-MT5A) or Sheathed Banana Leads (85-MT5ASL)

Amatrol’s Motor Braking Learning System (85-MT5A) adds to the Electric Motor Control Learning System (85-MT5) to expand a learner’s knowledge of the common electric motor braking methods found in industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Braking is essential to motor control when motors must be stopped and restarted multiple times. Common applications include rolling mills, conveyors, and power fans. Learners study industry-relevant skills for three of the most common braking methods: electromagnetic braking, plugging, and DC injection braking. Troubleshooting braking problems under realistic conditions allows learners to experience the challenge and reward that result from applied problem solving.
The motor braking training system includes a DC braking station with power supply, transformer and bridge rectifier mounted to a slide-in panel, inertial load module with flywheel, electromagnetic brake, plugging/anti-plugging switch, student curriculum, and instructor’s guide. This system uses industrial quality components that stand up to frequent use and enable learners to better prepare for what they will encounter on the job.