Amatrol's VFD/PLC wiring eLearning course covers important topics, such as:
PLC and VFD Installation
Learners begin with an introduction to PLC/VFD wiring systems, including PLC and VFD installation. Individual lessons focus on the elements of a panel installation drawing package, how to mount a programmable controller in an enclosure, and how to mount a VFD in an electrical enclosure. Learners will also practice skills, such as installing a PLC and a VFD into an electrical enclosure.
Wiring a PLC in an Electrical Enclosure
Learners will eventually advance to more complex wiring curriculum, including wiring a PLC in an electrical enclosure. Individual lessons focus on how to wire and test PLC ground and a MCR circuit, how to wire PLC discrete inputs and outputs, and how to test and startup a PLC installation. Learners will also practice skills, such as wiring and test PLC power and MCR circuits in an electrical enclosure, wiring and testing PLC control and I/O wiring circuits in an electrical enclosure, and wiring and operating a forward/reverse motor control system that uses PLC discrete I/O.
VFD Motor Control
In this module, learners will gain experience working with motor control topics, including VFD motor controls. Individual lessons focus on how to wire ground, power, and motor circuits to a VFD, how to interface a VFD with PLC discrete I/O, and how to test and start-up a VFD installation. Learners will also practice skills, such as wiring supply power and ground to a VFD in an electrical enclosure, wiring and operating a motor control system using VFD/PLC discrete I/O, and wiring and operating an interlocked motor to a VFD motor control system.
Wiring a VFD and PLC in an Electrical Enclosure
To conclude the module, learners will study wiring a VFD and PLC in an electrical enclosure. Individual lessons focus on how to both interface and operate a VFD using MODBUS. Learners will also practice real-world skills, like wiring and operating a VFD/PLC motor control system that uses MODBUS communications.