Virtual simulator is a common term used to define everything from aircraft flight simulators to interactive games. In manufacturing training, virtual simulators refer to interactive software that closely mimics the operation of machines, tools, or systems. They imitate their real-world counterparts to such a close degree that they allow the transfer of real-world skills. While
Amatrol is proud to announce the launch of its new Smart Manufacturing Learning System (990-SM10), developed in partnership with CESMII — The Smart Manufacturing Institute. CESMII’s mission is to “[r]adically accelerate the development and adoption of advanced sensors, controls, platforms, and models, to enable Smart Manufacturing (SM) to become the driving sustainable engine that delivers
As much as we all would like to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, recovery is a process in which there are no quick fixes. The effects of the pandemic are still lingering in our society and are apparent in everyday life. Perhaps the most noticeable and pressing area still struggling to recover is the
When I was but a wee youngster, I vividly remember thinking about the future and wondering what marvels I would see in my lifetime. For some reason, I was certain that flying cars would be the norm by now. Of course, today’s automobiles are still firmly grounded, although many of them are now electric. Can
Major federal legislation coupled with recent industrial trends point to the potential for a resurgence of growth in the United States’ manufacturing sector. In particular, this growth centers on those embracing smart technology, or what has become known as Industry 4.0. The decade leading up to the COVID-19 crisis (2010-2019) saw 1.3 million manufacturing jobs
Since the industrial revolution began manufacturing has been the driving force behind the success of developed nations. Unfortunately for the past century the development of industry came at the expense of the environment. Air, soil, and water pollution became synonymous with the output of large factories, who seemed more concerned with the bottom dollar than
When’s the last time you took stock of your HVACR training equipment and materials? If it’s been a while, it’s probably time to reevaluate your HVACR program to make sure you’re adequately preparing students for the HVACR jobs of the present and, more importantly, the future. HVACR continues to be one of the industries with
Which career paths capture the imaginations of students trying to chart a course for their lives? The answers change over time. Kids who possibly dreamed of being a fireman or a police officer when they were young often broaden their options as they are exposed to more careers over time. As students age, they find
When separating from the U.S. military, a primary factor in a soldier’s successful transition back to civilian life is stability. This stability can come from multiple places, such as having supportive friends and family and a place to live once their service is over, but ultimately, a key component to establishing this stability is finding
Why are there still so many open manufacturing positions in every industry across the U.S.? In a nutshell, the answer for year after year now has been the same: the skills gap. The supply of highly-skilled workers simply isn’t great enough to meet the continuously growing demand for workers with advanced technical skills. The skills