Studies reveal that nearly half of organizations using an LMS are unhappy with their service. With a plethora of vendors on the market, offering unique feature sets and pricing models; customers often make decisions based on the wrong metrics. Whether you’re looking for your first LMS solution, or searching to replace an existing one, there’s
Today’s educators are faced with mountains of obstacles. Among them, one obstacle is an increasingly troublesome roadblock for the education system: the equity gap. Most are familiar with terms like wage gap, and skills gap, however the term equity gap is still relatively unknown. Equity gaps refer to disparities in the success of education
Can you find a student today who doesn’t like technology? Modern technology shapes and, in many ways, defines our lives on a daily basis. It’s only natural that it would also have a profound impact on how students choose a future career path. Recent data shows that postsecondary enrollment is down overall, but luckily interest
What do you remember about 2020? For most people, “COVID-19” and “pandemic” are words forever etched in their memories of that year. When the ball dropped in Times Square, pushing us all into 2021, we had high hopes that the worst was behind us. Of course, things didn’t really go as we had hoped, though.
Click HERE to view this article as a multimedia presentation. Whether you work in industry or a career and technical education (CTE) program, there’s a set of buzzwords you’ve probably heard frequently over the last couple of years. They include Industry 4.0, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and Smart Factory, to
With unemployment hovering at its lowest level in the last 50 years and advances in technology changing the industrial landscape at a rapid pace, industries across the board and around the world are having a difficult time finding and retaining the skilled workers they need. The disparity between the number of highly-skilled workers industry needs
Amatrol and the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) announce the debut of Skill Boss Logistics, a supply chain automation training and assessment device for use in conjunction with MSSC’s new Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation (CTSCA) logistics certifications. It will enable both students and incumbent workers to gain the skills needed to meet the
Click HERE to view IGNITE: How To Spark Student Interest and Light the Fire that Leads to Career Success as a multimedia presentation. Amatrol is pleased to introduce educators to IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing, a new program that equips high school students with the in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills they need to be successful in the highly-skilled,
Indiana Announces Plan to Offer 10,000 Free Certifications for Hoosier Workers Displaced by COVID-19
*Originally posted in 2020 on an older version of our website During Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s press conference on June 5, 2020, Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers announced a plan to, “reach at least 10,000 Hoosiers and help them learn new skills quickly through free courses and short-term training,” due to dislocation from
To view “Skill Boss Manufacturing: 4 Reasons Your Training Program Needs It” as a Multimedia Presentation in a new window, please click here. In chess, the King is the most important piece in the game because without it, the game would be over. Its value to your success is infinite. This also describes the Skill
To view ‘CASE STUDY: How to Hold In-Person, Virtual, & Hybrid Training During Covid-19 Pandemic’ as a Multimedia presentation, please click here. Time spent in secondary and postsecondary schooling is an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity, adapt to new environments, and discover skills that will last a lifetime. However in 2020, it seems