Amatrol’s Measurement Tools 1 Virtual Training courseware for the Portable Measurement Learning System (990-MES1) introduces topics like basic measurement, precision measurement, direct gauging, indirect gauging, and dimensional measurements using both the U.S. customary system and the S.I. metric system. This Virtual Trainer allows learners to develop skills and knowledge needed to apply the use of measurement in modern industry. It takes learners through key topics and skills in measurement, including how to measure length, accurate measurement of inside and outside dimensions, measuring both in U.S. Customary and S.I. Metric units, and collecting measurement data, and more.
In addition, the Measurement Tools 1 Virtual Training course covers dial calipers, micrometers, and dial indicators to achieve accurate measurements that are essential to any technical career. This system allows learners to practice hands-on skills like: stating the typical accuracy of a dial caliper measurement and explain what affects it; using an outside micrometer graduated in English units to measure the outside dimension of a part; and describing the function of a gauge fixture.