Which career paths capture the imaginations of students trying to chart a course for their lives? The answers change over time. Kids who possibly dreamed of being a fireman or a police officer when they were young often broaden their options as they are exposed to more careers over time. As students age, they find
To learn more about the IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing program, click here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 4, 2020 Contacts: Joe Steele LIFT 313-309-9132 jsteele@almmii.org Kent Powell Amatrol 800-264-8285 Kent_Powell@amatrol.com LIFT and Amatrol Announce National Rollout of IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum for High Schools Innovative curriculum engages students in new ways of learning and prepares
To learn more about the IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing program, click here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 4, 2020 Contacts: Joe Steele LIFT 313-309-9132 jsteele@almmii.org Kent Powell Amatrol 800-264-8285 Kent_Powell@amatrol.com LIFT and Amatrol Announce National Rollout of IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum for High Schools Innovative curriculum engages students in new ways of learning and prepares
To learn more about the IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing program, click here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 4, 2020 Contacts: Joe Steele LIFT 313-309-9132 jsteele@almmii.org Kent Powell Amatrol 800-264-8285 Kent_Powell@amatrol.com LIFT and Amatrol Announce National Rollout of IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum for High Schools Innovative curriculum engages students in new ways of learning and prepares
Click HERE to view IGNITE: How To Spark Student Interest and Light the Fire that Leads to Career Success as a multimedia presentation. Amatrol is pleased to introduce educators to IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing, a new program that equips high school students with the in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills they need to be successful in the highly-skilled,
Click HERE to view Perkins V: What You Need to Know as a multimedia presentation. On July 31, 2018, the president signed into law the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, more commonly known as Perkins V. The law provides approximately $1.3 billion each year to help schools grow and improve their Career
Click HERE to view 5 Ways to Update Your CTE Program for an Uncertain Future as a multimedia presentation. Have you been brainstorming ways to take your Career and Technical Education (CTE) program to the next level? With many schools and programs in a holding pattern due to the Coronavirus pandemic, instructors might be tempted to
Click HERE to view STEM Holds the Key to Preparing Students for the Jobs of the Future as a multimedia presentation. Cutting-edge Industry 4.0 technologies continue to shape current and future jobs across a broad range of industries in ways no one fully understands yet. Unfortunately, workers’ skills aren’t keeping pace with the demands of employers. Today,
Click HERE to view IGNITE: Next-Level Career Exploration & Preparation as a multimedia presentation. How do modern educators inspire and prepare their students to seek careers that will challenge their hearts and minds while also fulfilling their needs and desires for meaningful work? It’s no easy task, because the current educational landscape is far different than it
Click HERE to view Five Frequently-Asked Questions about IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing as a multimedia presentation. Amatrol created IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing to provide high school students with career exploration opportunities and the in-depth technical knowledge and hands-on skills they need to be successful in the highly-skilled, high-pay jobs available in modern advanced manufacturing facilities. A comprehensive advanced manufacturing