Amatrol’s Engineering Technology Learning Systems include curriculum in both print-based and multimedia formats, high quality industrial hands-on laboratory equipment, teacher guides, computerized classroom assessment system, installation, on-going service and support, and teacher training. Learners study and practice skills in the following industrial areas: Automation, Electrical, Electronics, Fluid Power, Materials, Mechanical, Process Control, and HVACR.

Amatrol Learning Systems are widely recognized for their industrial quality components and extensive student learning materials. As a result, Amatrol’s engineering learning systems are standard elements in thousands of laboratories throughout the world and applied to careers like electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and civil engineers. Today, Amatrol manufactures over 300 engineering and engineering technology learning systems in a wide range of engineering technology disciplines.
Amatrol learning systems are unique because they offer:
Industrial Quality Equipment
Amatrol’s industrial quality equipment makes students feel like they are actually training in a real industrial setting. Amatrol learning systems feature heavy-duty, industry-standard components and a far greater range of component types so that students are better prepared for the entire scope of the technologies they will encounter.
Advanced Technology
Amatrol learning systems offer industrial quality, including state-of-the-art technology that will better prepare students for their careers.
Troubleshooting Emphasis
Amatrol curriculum teaches troubleshooting with organized problem-solving methods. Many learning systems feature Amatrol’s Computer-Based Fault Insertion System, FaultPro, which automatically inserts faults and tracks student troubleshooting activities.
Task-Based Curriculum
The curriculum uses a task-based design where theory and hands-on learning activities are structured around industry-relevant tasks.
Individualized and Group Learning Formats
Amatrol’s learning activity packet (LAP) design gives instructors the flexibility to teach students using either a self-directed or traditional lecture-lab format. All theory and hands-on instructional materials needed for teaching both formats are included in each learning activity packet.
Multimedia and Printed Curriculum Formats
Many learning systems are available with an optional multimedia curriculum in addition to printed curriculum to further support individualized and distance learning applications. The multimedia versions have the same content as the printed versions plus they include extensive video, 3D simulations, and interactive activities.

Learning Systems
These systems include hands-on stations with industrial quality software and equipment to provide learning in various engineering technology topics.
Printed Curriculum
Each learning system includes a printed curriculum in an individualized format.
Interactive Multimedia Curriculum
Various learning systems are available with an optional interactive multimedia version of the printed curriculum to enhance student learning and motivation.
Teacher Training Services
Amatrol provides tuition-free teacher training for initial and on-going professional development of teachers.
Service and Support Services
Amatrol offers superior service and support, including free hot-line support and knowledgeable local service technicians.