MB705D eLearning Curriculum Sample Describing the Procedure of a VR Milling Simulation



  • CNC Machine Tools Learning System - Denford Micromill (95-CNC1D)
  • CNC Machines 1 Learning System - Denford Micromill (96-CNC1D)

Curriculum Also Available in Spanish

CNC Machining eLearning Courseware | Denford Micromill

eLearning Course: MB705D

Amatrol's CNC Machines 1 eLearning (Denford Micromill) begins by introducing CNC Mill programming by describing the functions and operations of a CNC mill and discussing CNC mill programming, simulation, and safety. In learning basic CNC mill programming, linear interpolation, start-up and shutdown blocks, tooling selection, and locating zero is discussed and skills are applied to move to circular interpolation. Circular interpolation will cover absolute and incremental positioning, circular interpolation, program interpolation, program interpretation, and pausing CNC programs.

Learning Topics

  • CNC Mill Programming
  • CNC Mill Safety
  • Linear Interpolation
  • Circular Interpolation
  • Absolute and Incremental Positioning
  • Speeds and Feeds
  • CNC Mill Canned Cycles
  • CNC Mill Cutter Compensation

CNC Program Interpretation and Calculation

In this course, learners will explore the basics of CNC mill programming through a series of online skills, tests, and simulations. For example, learners will be asked to identify drawing coordinates for setting up a CNC program and convert those coordinates from absolute to incremental. Users will also practice interpreting a CNC mill program that uses basic G and M codes.

CNC Machining eLearning Curriculum Focuses on Industry-Relevant Skills

Amatrol’s peerless interactive multimedia curriculum utilizes text with voiceovers, pictures, videos, stunning 3D animations, and interactive quizzes and reviews that engage learners in theoretical knowledge and concepts. This thorough, detailed curriculum begins with the basics and advances to complex concepts. Through partnerships with key industry leaders and leading educators, Amatrol developed the right balance of knowledge to train learners to work in their chosen field.

Machining Training | eLearning Courses

Amatrol offers a wide variety of eLearning courses to teach machining topics, including CNC programming, band saw, drill press, lathe, and more!