Click HERE to view IGNITE: How To Spark Student Interest and Light the Fire that Leads to Career Success as a multimedia presentation. Amatrol is pleased to introduce educators to IGNITE: Mastering Manufacturing, a new program that equips high school students with the in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills they need to be successful in the highly-skilled,
Click HERE to view It’s Time to Update Your HVAC Training Program as a multimedia presentation. Does your HVAC training program need a makeover? Yes, it does, and here’s why. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry is thriving, yet its future is uncertain. The HVAC industry, like nearly every other industry across the nation
Click HERE to view CTE Funding: Grants Hold the Key to Maintaining Momentum in the Midst of a Pandemic as a multimedia presentation. As instructors and administrators everywhere will tell you, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented many different and ongoing challenges for educators in 2020. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time
Click HERE to view IGNITE: Next-Level Career Exploration & Preparation as a multimedia presentation. How do modern educators inspire and prepare their students to seek careers that will challenge their hearts and minds while also fulfilling their needs and desires for meaningful work? It’s no easy task, because the current educational landscape is far different than it