The goal of assessments is to evaluate an individual’s knowledge for specific topics or their ability to perform specific tasks. These assessments can be used for a variety of reasons including identifying individual’s strengths & weaknesses, gauging the effectiveness of training, measuring knowledge retention annually, and certification validation.
Identify Strengths & Weaknesses
Targeted Training Saves Money
Maximizes Production Time
Many companies set up training classes in areas such as basic electricity, mechanical systems, instrumentation, etc., and require employees to attend without regard for existing knowledge or previous experience. This is not only a waste of time, but frustrates employees that already have those skills. By giving eAssessments first, employers can identify current employee skills and only require them to take specific portions of the training. Since every individual will have different skill sets, assigning self-paced eLearning modules, based on their specific needs, is a great way to bring them up to speed and get them back on the job quickly. For example, if a technician's eAssessment identifies that they have sufficient knowledge of basic electricity, but lack required electronics knowledge, hours of training time can be saved by only assigning training for that topic. This targeted approach will maximize their time on the job.