To be successful in modern organizations, students need a strong combination of technical, academic, personal, and organizational skills. Amatrol's Integrated Technology Concepts (ITC) program helps high school instructors teach these skills through a curriculum that combines project-based learning with the enterprise process. ITC also motivates students to learn more because its project-based design engages students’ natural curiosity. ITC students become active learners, taking charge of their own growth.
ITC is a 1- to 4-year high school technology/college preparation program driven by a series of team-based thematic master projects. Student teams choose a thematic project from one of the seven major technology sectors and then employ the enterprise process to design, build, and perform market research related to their project. Team members gain the technical skills they need to accomplish the project using Amatrol’s in-depth curriculum. Amatrol’s Enterprise Systems Curriculum also teaches key soft skills, such as teamwork and problem solving. By supporting these projects with a structured curriculum, ITC's project-based learning approach helps students get measurable results!
A Fit for Every High School Student
A thematic project approach immerses students in realistic career exploration experiences and teaches them the supporting skills they need for a wide range of careers. Through getting technology in the classroom for team-based projects, students can also choose individual learning paths for development of specific technical knowledge that match their career interests and abilities. Students learn the skills needed for their projects using a computer-based interactive multimedia curriculum.
Expands to a 4-year Pre-Engineering Program
The ITC curriculum can be expanded in both breadth and depth to provide students with up to a 4-year high school program. Each year can be customized with specific projects and technologies to meet the needs of the students and the community.
Extensive Articulation to College
In its expanded format of 2-4 years, the ITC project-based learning curriculum enables students to articulate to colleges and universities with substantial credit. The content is keyed to specific technical courses so students can receive required course credit, not just elective credit.
Integrated Academic Applications
Leveraging project-based learning methods strengthen academic skills with projects that have relevant, challenging academic content. Projects are thematic, helping students develop a wide range of academic skills from math and science to history and social studies.
Skills-Based Curriculum
The ITC curriculum uses a unique skills-based design that focuses on teaching industry relevant technical skills so students can begin developing credit toward college articulation during the introductory first year of the ITC program.
Workplace Performance Skills
Students learn how to work on teams and solve real world problems through Amatrol’s team-based projects and the supporting project-related Enterprise curriculum. The Enterprise curriculum formally teaches students how to work on teams, problem solve, make presentations, and manage a project.

The ITC program is a turnkey solution with a comprehensive set of products and services to enable teachers to effectively implement a successful project-based technology education program. The ITC program includes the following:
- Technology Learning Units – These units include hands-on student learning stations with industrial quality software and equipment to provide understanding of technology topics.
- Printed Curriculum – Each integrated learning unit includes a printed curriculum in an individualized, layered, skills-based format.
- Interactive Multimedia eLearning Curriculum – Various integrated learning units are available with an optional interactive multimedia version of the printed curriculum to enhance student learning and motivation.
- Team-Based Student Projects – Teachers can choose from a variety of team-based thematic projects. Each project includes: project materials, design briefs, and teacher’s solutions.
- Enterprise Skills Curriculum – The Enterprise Skills Curriculum includes a curriculum to provide structured learning of project-related skills such as teamwork, problem solving, workplace skills, and interpersonal skills.
- Instructor Training Services – Amatrol provides tuition-free teacher training for initial and on-going professional development of teachers involved in the ITC project-based learning program.
- Service and Support – Amatrol offers superior service and support, including free hot-line support and knowledgeable local service technicians.