In today’s technology-driven society, capturing the attention of high school students can be a daunting task. Active engagement in learning provides students with the necessary skills to competently meet the challenges in today’s workplace. Regardless of their career path, high schools must prepare students who can engage in their work, work effectively with others, identify and solve problems, and continue to acquire the necessary skills to succeed in their work roles.
The Certified Production Technician program by MSSC is an industry-led, standards-based training, assessment, and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s advanced manufacturing workforce. The foundational areas of certification include safety, quality, manufacturing processes, and maintenance. Amatrol's Certified Production Technician (CPT) training program enables students to build these foundational skills. The program’s interactive multimedia curriculum uses a competency-based instructional design that teaches Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) nationally-recognized standards. An engaging combination of video, text, audio, 3D animation, and interactive activities, the CPT curriculum captures the attention of students, keeps them engaged through the entire learning process, and ignites their passion for achievement.
For information on MSSC’s CPT+ Certification using Amatrol’s Skill Boss Manufacturing, click here.
Skills for workplace success!
Advanced manufacturing offers some of the highest paying and most satisfying career opportunities available today, such as process technicians, control technicians, and quality control technicians. High school students seeking a career in manufacturing must demonstrate a wide variety of critical technical skills. MSSC’s CPT program provides training and certification in the foundational areas of safety, quality, manufacturing processes, and maintenance.
Recognized by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) as the foundation of its National Skills Certification System, the CPT certification is truly a portable credential. In addition to teaching foundational technical skills, the CPT training program also addresses a variety of cross-functional employability skills:

Engaging content makes students want to learn!
Learning often depends on being able to keep students focused and engaged. Every learner is different, which means that effective learning material must address all learning styles. To this end, Amatrol’s curriculum incorporates text, animations, narration, video, pictures, drawings, and graphics to target multiple learning styles. By utilizing different elements, Amatrol keeps the material fresh and students moving forward, making learning fun!
Animations are particularly useful in showing a student internal operations of machines and processes.
Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. Amatrol balances use of animation with video to show real world application and hands-on job tasks.
Interactive Exercises
Amatrol’s CPT Program contains many interactive exercises where students interact by pushing buttons, operating devices, identifying components, and more. This interactivity greatly enhances retention.
Amatrol’s Certified Production Technician program starts with safety and guides students through 39 self-paced learning units, preparing students for the MSSC Certified Production Technician assessments. MSSC strongly recommends the Amatrol CPT training program because it gets the job done.

Amatrol | 95-MSB2AB
Flexible, comprehensive program!
Amatrol’s comprehensive CPT program includes:
- Four Certification Areas
- Safety
- Quality Practices & Measurement
- Manufacturing Processes & Production
- Maintenance Awareness
- 224 Industry/Career Skills
- 140+ Hours of Learning
- 39 Self-Paced Learning Units
- 25 Seats per Production Module
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is an industry-led, standards-based, training, assessment, and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s production and supply chain logistics workers. The nationwide MSSC System, based upon industry-defined and federally-endorsed national standards, offers both new and current workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills increasingly needed in the technology-intensive jobs of the 21st century.
Certified Production Technician (CPT): The MSSC System awards certificates to individuals who pass any of its four Production modules: Safety; Quality Practices & Measurement; Manufacturing Processes & Production; and Maintenance Awareness and a full Certified Production Technician (CPT) Certification to those who pass all four.
Applicable to all sectors of manufacturing and all supply chain facilities, the MSSC “20/20 Vision” is to assess 20% of the nation’s front-line manufacturing production and material handling workers in 20 years. If attained, this vision would assess over 3 million workers during that period.
MSSC offers industry a new set of tools to ensure that both new and current workers are flexible, easily trainable, and highly motivated knowledge workers able to keep pace with technological change. Just as “ASE” (Automotive Service Excellence) certification is the standard for quality in the automotive repair sector, the CPT Certification sets the quality standard for front-line workers in our nation’s factories, distribution centers, warehouses, and transportation hubs. MSSC benefits to employers include:
- A pipeline of skilled workers by embedding MSSC certification training into the schools
- Decreased recruitment costs by providing job candidates with industry-recognized credentials
- Elimination of remedial training costs by providing well-prepared workers
- A diagnostic tool to benchmark current workers against a high-performance national standard
- Increased ROI for training by targeting it against the gaps identified by the MSSC diagnostic tool
- An aid to attracting, motivating, and retaining qualified employees